Friday, October 10, 2014

To just be

I'm a bit tired of most things these days that seem to wear me out like driving and shopping and working and talking when some of the time I just can't say anything or be around noise and I just want to escape like to the south of France where the beaches are lovely and the waves are blue and the breeze is warm in the summer months and the wine is fabulous to drink with people who inspire conversations that are enchanting and out of the ordinary and fill you with ease like the ones that you envision having when you're old and wisened around the ones you love at holidays or celebrations like birthdays for dear friends who play music for hours because it's just the thing to do and the best way to spend your time when you're sitting around instead of being bored and not creating something or doing something special with the time that you have that isn't spent doing the things that you have to do that make you feel weary at times when all you want to do is just smile and be.

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